I am in complete denial.
I refuse to recognize the fact that an entire Month (and possibly a little more than that) has gone by since my last blog post.
And it's not just about my neglect of blogging.
It's about so much more!
Time and I are not on the greatest terms right now.
You see, somehow Time keeps slipping away from me. Right when I am sure I have him in my grasp, I turn around and a few Days have gone by. It feels as though each time I blink, an inordinate number of Moments flutter past, unseen. That Minute hand moves faster than I think it should.
Then, as quickly as Time flies by when I'm preoccupied with other matters, he also seems to stretch out into long, successive Days, Weeks, Months, and Years, so far ahead of me. Time keeps busy by creating a great gap between where I am and where I can't wait to be!
Next Year at this Time, I will have a Synod assignment (fingers crossed!). [Which means, to those of you who are unfamiliar with the system of checkpoints and actions that create a Pastor, that Trey and I will know what geographical location we will be serving in on our first assignment as ordained ministers.] And I know, that one Year from now, I will inevitably say to myself, "Good grief, that Year went by fast." I will claim I have no idea where the Time has gone. But in that Age-old trick that Time is so fond of playing, from my Present vantage point, the 365 Days between me and that Moment seem unfathomably long.
I'm setting all of you observers of my Life up for a perfect "Told you so" opportunity. And I give you full permission to remind me next Year of my lack of perspective. I always need to be reminded, lest I lose sight of the importance of each and every Minute. Lest I always live in the Not Yet, and neglect the gift of the Now.
So, Time, I just want you to be aware that I'm on to you. And I know you will win this little game that you play. For I am a creature bound by Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, Years, and a Lifetime for now. I can't escape your earthly grasp. I can't control you, Time, but you don't completely control me either. For although it seems you are my master and that your Days and Years will hold me, I have been freed by the Keeper of Eternity, and one day I will live outside of you, Time.
But right Now, I offer a brief though significant protest of Time's constant push and pull ever into the future by taking a deep breath and fully experiencing This Moment.........*sigh*..........
Good grief, look at the Time!