For the first time as The Intern I was in charge of giving the announcements at the beginning of worship. And as a first-timer, I did a pretty good job. Except for one thing. When I sat down in my pew, it dawned on me...I had forgotten to introduce and thank our substitute presiding minister, Pastor Laurie J, a member of our congregation who serves as director of pastoral care at a Denver area hospital. Oh man, I thought as I listened to Pastor Laurie lead the prayer of the day, I dropped the ball. Super improv skills to the rescue!
It occurred to me that I could fix my mistake before beginning the children's sermon. I'd introduce her and thank her, all under the guise of an innocent intern who didn't know any better. The perfect plan.
Only one problem. As we sang "O Sing to the Lord..." the song during which the children were supposed to come children came forward. I could punt one off-the-script situation, but two? I had no choice, it was time to improvise.
"I have two problems right now," I announced from the front of the sanctuary. "The first problem is that, sometimes as The Intern you make a mistake. And I've made a mistake this morning by not introducing our guest presiding minister. Thank you, Pastor Laurie J., for leading us this morning. We are so glad to have you."
"Now, the second problem is more obvious...." The congregation laughed on cue as they realized I was standing up front to give the children's sermon...with no children. "Clearly you can see there are no children up here for the children's sermon. Last chance...are there any kids who want to come up? Okay, are there any kids at heart who will come up?" A shot in the dark, but I trusted God to provide.
And God came through of course. So did about 6 adults in our 8am worshiping congregation. My "children" ranged from the few teens and preteens who came up to relive their no-so-distant childhood to a couple of young-at-heart parishioners whose age calls for enough respect that I ought not guess at their age. It was an inspirational testament to the fact that we are all God's children, no matter the year of our birth.
What a fun time! Sure, I could have just moved on with no children's sermon, but to tell the truth, that option just didn't occur to me. I am thankful for many things this year on internship, but most of all, I'm thankful for all the good, faithful folks who were willing to let me be their leader and who have followed me down many a path less-trodden, trusting the same faithful God that I trust to take us somewhere good. I hope all the years of my life in ministry are as fun as this one has been!
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