Trey and I don't have an Advent wreath, but five random candles will do. I'll just need to pick up another "real" candle before the fourth week of Advent! |
Personally, I find hope in the 50+ degree weather and still green grass we've been enjoying here in Sioux Falls, SD in December. Others, I know, will see hope as that cold, white, fluffy stuff falls from the sky this weekend and it begins to look more like Christmas as they know it.
Whatever your weather preference, may anticipating Christ's coming to dwell among us bring you hope!
“Christ Came Down that We May Have Hope”
12/2/2012, Advent 1 Sermon
on Daniel 6:6-27

Daniel entered the lion’s den alone. With no other human being to protect him and no weapon to defend himself, Daniel was thrown in to face these wild beasts. As the stone rolled to close the entrance to the den, the seriousness of Daniel’s situation sunk in...both for those outside looking on and for Daniel himself. It seemed as Daniel was sealed in, hope was sealed out, and there wasn’t anything anyone could do about it.
The king’s edict had been passed no many days earlier, and it stated that whoever prays to anyone, divine or human, for thirty days, except to the king, would be thrown into a den of lions. The king’s counselors suggested that he make this law, and as the readers we know that they designed it specifically to trap Daniel, whom they knew would not stop praying to Yahweh, the Lord God.
Who knows why the king agreed to the law. I guess it played on his fragile ego. Either way, the law was written and sealed, Daniel had disobeyed it by praying to God and was caught. The thing is, though, that the king really liked Daniel. Daniel was a respected member of his court, and if the king had realized this law would lead to Daniel’s death, he would not have signed it. But, as the counselors and governors remind him, the king’s law cannot be undone.

The king must have had hope. Because he rushed to arrive at the lion’s den first thing the next morning and listen to his hopeful question: “O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you faithfully serve been able to deliver you from the lions?”
What in the world made the king believe that there was a chance that this could be possible? What gave this pagan king hope?
The king was not disappointed. His hope was realized. Daniel’s voice came to him as wonderful news, echoing off the rocks of the den. “O king, live forever! My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths so that they would not hurt me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no wrong.”
Then the king was exceedingly glad and commanded that Daniel be taken up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no kind of harm was found on him, because he had trusted in his God. The king took things from here. He had the accusers who had plotted to have Daniel killed thrown into the lion’s den themselves. The hungry lions, having been prevented by an angel from enjoying a meal all last night, jumped at the opportunity to devour these guys whole.
Then the king blessed Daniel and gave a new decree. This law stated that in all the king’s royal dominion people should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: For he is the living God, enduring forever. His kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion has no end. He delivers and rescues, he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth; for he has saved Daniel from the power of the lions.
Hope. What is it to be hopeful?
- Is it to sit faithfully on your stump, unmoved, braving whatever may come, never-knowing that all the while you are protected?
- Is it to enter the lion’s den, face real danger, trusting that God will keep you safe and guard your life?
- Is it to pray and fast feverishly all night, while someone else faces real danger, exhausting your only power to help by calling on a God who might be able to deliver?
- Is it to show up at the scene of possible tragedy expecting a miracle against all odds?
- Is it to stand by amazed as powers beyond our control shut the mouths of lions who would eat us whole?
- Is it to trust in the promise that no matter what you go through in the scary night alone, you will see the morning?
Part of hope is trusting in a promise. God had promised his people, Israel, that he would make a great nation out of them. The covenant or promise God made with Jacob was that his descendants would number as many as the stars in the sky. And with this, God would give the people a land. Now, in the time that our story about Daniel was written, much of Israel was in exile in foreign lands. They had become a scattered people without a land to call their own. The promise of a Messiah who would free the people became their hope. The anticipation grew among the people. They awaited a Savior who would free them and establish a kingdom that would never end.
Hope clung with the dust of the road to the backs of weary travelers aching for home. Hope swirled on the wind. Hope echoed in the dreams of sleeping children who had never seen the land their parents talked about, the land they dreamed about. Hope cried out in the wilderness, calling God’s people to repent and return to their Lord. Throughout the ages hope remained, and the people waited. But some lost hope altogether, and they mocked anyone who waited hopefully and still expected God to fulfill the promise. God is dead--You fools keep waiting.
It’s easy to give up and agree with them. I mean, look at the world around us. It doesn’t take more than 10 minutes of cable news to convince even the most optimistic person that this is a broken place, that we are broken people. Consider all the things in your own life that tempt you to give up hope. What does the cynical voice inside you say? That the country has lost it’s way, and a petition to secede is the only option at this point? That your kids or grandkids don’t get it and it’s a waste of time for you to keep inviting them to church or dinner? Does it say that God must not care if God would let bad things happen to good people? Or have you been considering that faith is a waste of time, only for those who can’t handle that this life is all that there is?
We are like that Cherokee boy. To us it seems we sit on a stump, exposed to danger, alone and vulnerable, unlikely to make it through the night. All the while, there is one who watches over us. We are like Daniel, we face real danger, and we don’t know what the outcome will be. Meanwhile, there is one who fends off danger. There is one who will not let harm come to us. There is a God who will keep our lives, even if we should die. Hope is found in our faith that trusts that this is the truth. Hope is found in truth that God is there loving, defending, and claiming us even when our faith doesn’t trust it.

This week, be a detective on a mission to spot signs of hope. In your Taking Faith Home insert, you’ll find under the Service section, the details of this challenge. Be watchful and expect to see hope in the world around you. Note in your mind the moments that you notice it. And if you can, capture it on camera. If you have a pen or pencil, I want you to write down my email address, and then, if you find a wonderful sign of hope this week and catch it on camera, I want you to send it to me by email. Here’s my address: Don’t just be an observer of hope, create your own sign of hope for someone else. Serve your neighbor, even a stranger, through a random act of kindness. Be a bringer of hope. For Christ came down that we may have hope! Amen.
love it! great stuff, Jess! thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ron! Thanks for reading.