A report on the especially Christmas-y events of the last 72 hours...
1. Out for a holiday dinner courtesy of two members of Trey's church
2. Christmas episode of the Office
3. Baking cookies in the shape of red and white twisted candy canes
4. Grown up hot chocolate with
gingerbread man marshmallows

5. Elf
6. Working tirelessly on my Shutterfly Christmas gifts
7. A Community production of Godspell starring our friend Lori
8. Advent 3--Worship, Worship, and the Sunday School Children's Program: "Camel Lot"
9. Searching for (and finding) just the right presents at Target
10. Sipping Orange Spice tea in Trey's office waiting for Holy Love Lutheran Church's "Lessons and Carols" to begin...
Let the Christmas Cheer ensue!
Could be the best December yet.
And our six-month anniversary is today. For now, life is good.